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A colorful graphic of several minimally-illustrated people on a yellow background.
Ridgecrest Back to School BBQ!

Don't miss out on one of our biggest events of the year– the RC Back to School BBQ! Join us at the RC playground on Thursday, September 19th from 5pm to 7pm for food, friends, fun, family, and more! 

Ridgecrest's 75th Anniversary

The 2023-2024 school year marks the 75th anniversary of Ridgecrest Elementary School! This year we celebrate those who were, are, and will be a part of our wonderful RC community! Credit and thank you to Eric Holzer for taking this beautiful photo.

A teacher stands next to a group of 1st grade students in a colorful classroom. The students have their arms in the air.
Learning Values and Norms

Learning can be just as fun as playing! Our students learn our Ridgecrest values through play and fun.

Thank You, Shoreline PTA and SPS Foundation!

Ridgecrest would like to thank the Shoreline PTA Mental Health Council and the Shoreline Public Schools Foundation for their generous grants that will fund school-wide PBIS learning for every student. Thank you!

A person in a fuzzy brown ram costume and a man in a blue jersey stand next to each other in front of a stage.
Rocky the Ram

Our principal, Daniel Natividad, and our school mascot, Rocky the Ram, are the best of friends.

Five staff members with their arms around each other stand in front of a small cart of food and drinks.
Celebrating Staff

We celebrate and support everyone at Ridgecrest. Our staff are an important part of the community– giving back to them is how we say "thank you"!

Three students and an adult sit at a lunch table. The student on the left is leaning back, and the two other student smile.

Families are an important part of our school and community. Our family volunteer WatchDOGS (Dads of Great Students) help keep our school and students safe!

Ridgecrest PTA

The Ridgecrest PTA is a core pillar of the Ridgecrest community! Their dedication to our school and our students make them our forever Rocky Rockstars.

Two teachers stand behind several students who are seated. They are all holding certificates and smiling.
Multilingual Learning

The Multilingual Learner (MLL) program at RC celebrates the diversity of our students, and gives all students a chance to achieve to the best of their abilities. 

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